40 Pcs Aquatic Plant Water Root Fertilizer Condensed Aquarium Fish Tank Cylinder


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New Stock! Manufactured August 2021 by the reputable Harbin Jiebao Aquarium Products Co. , Ltd.

1. Stable nutrient supply, timely and continuous supply of nutrients needed by aquatic plants, will not harm aquatic plants. It’s not like other fertilizers, where you have an unstable supply, suddenly you have an initial surplus then it becomes insufficient.

2. Nutrients are not easily lost and doesn’t pollute the water.

3. The nutrients are absorbed by the plants in time, and each fertilizer is coated with organic resin. It is not common resin or plastic coating and will not produce poisonous residual. It will not cause water acidification or inorganic salt accumulation and totally fish safe. Chances are the coating material of other fertilizers is easily absorbed by aquatic plants and accumulates excessive nitrates.

Product characteristics

The coating material is specifically designed to release the amount of nutrients for the roots whenever the aquatic plant needs it. The algae explosion problem caused by quick release of nutrients from common fertilizer is avoided. The utility model makes the planting of aquatic plants simple and convenient. For up to 6 months, a constant infusion of fertilizer and micronutrient provides the necessary nutrients for balanced plant growth. Suitable for all kinds of plants (flowers, green plants, aquarium plants, etc.) , harmless to fish. Does not affect the pH and the DH carbonate hardness.

Method of use

This product is suitable for fertilizing root aquatic plants in order to meet their nutrient needs. When in use, use forceps to clamp root fertilizer vertically into the root of water weeds 2-3 cm deep, interval 10 ~ 15 cm buried 1. The outer capsule is plant based and dissolves after a few hours in water, slowly releasing the fertilizer particles into the substrate.

Shelf life: 36 months. Keep in a cool place

Manufacturer: Harbin Jiebao Aquarium Products Co. , Ltd.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 6 × 10 × 6 cm

40 pcs trial pack, 60 pcs bottle


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